East Sussex County Council’s contractor continues to work round the clock and has repaired 4264 potholes since the start of the year. There are some 1977 potholes in the reporting system awaiting repair which is a big improvement on this time last week when the to-do list stood at 3762. Our contractor has 23 gangs operating, 13 more than usual, and the ‘good’ weather along with the elevated level of resources being applied by County to this task is enabling us to make significant headway in reducing the numbers. The number of potholes being reported has begun to slow now that the weather has been dry for a few days and the ice has disappeared.
The Council policy is to repair only those potholes and other safety defects that meet our intervention criteria. We do not have the resources to repair every pothole or defect on the highway. Where a pothole or cluster of potholes doesn’t meet the criteria for reactive repair, the Highway Stewards can recommend them for inclusion in our planned maintenance patching programme. Where our contractor carries out a temporary repair of a pothole, or if an earlier repair fails, they will repeat the repair at their own cost.
Please keep reporting any serious road defects locally via the ESCC Highways link below: